What You Need To Know

What You Need To Know

Select an item below for more information.



Before Your Float

  • Insert ear plugs into your dry ears.
  • Remove all jewelry and contact lenses if wearing them.
  • Wash your body and hair before entering the float tanks to ensure all body lotions, deodorants, make-up, and perfumes are removed. It is best to take a luke warm to cold shower so that the water in your float tank does not feel cold.
  • Wipe your face dry before entering the float tank to ensure you don’t get a face itch during your float.

During Your Float

  • Avoid touching your face. The salt water will irritate your eyes. If you need to touch your face, please use provided fresh water spray bottle to clean your hand off first or the wash cloth to wipe your face.
  • Lay on your back with your arms in a comfortable position. Use halo to help keep head up if desired.
  • Do not turn over or splash in the tank.
  • Close your eyes, relax your body as quickly as you can and soon after your brain will follow.

After Your Float

  • Carefully sit up for a few seconds before standing up.
  • Thoroughly rinse your body and hair in the shower to remove all of the Epsom salt. Be careful that the water coming off of your hair doesn’t go into your eyes as it will sting. There is a wash cloth, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner provided. Please keep in mind that we have to clean the and sanitize the room before the next floater. A 5 minute max shower is ideal and much appreciated.
  • Please take your blue towel and wash clothes and place them in the provided bin in the hallway.
  • Have a fantastic and stress free rest of your day!


Please read over the helpful tips for what you need to know before your first float at Maine Coast Float.

Frequently Asked Questions

Look here for answers to commonly asked questions.
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Floating is best done nude. Wearing swimwear can take away from the experience by causing sensory input when it touches your skin. Each room is private with locked doors and your own personal shower.

Our filters are designed for 20,000 gallons of water, but our tanks only contain up to 450 gallons. The filters use Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) Sanitation Science. When germicidal UV light (UV-C) and ozone react the result is the production of hydroxyl radicals. This reaction is known as the Advanced Oxidation Process, or AOP. Hydroxyl radicals (•OH) are the most powerful oxidation agents available, quickly destroying bacteria, viruses, pathogens and other contaminants that occur in water. Hydroxyl radicals also destroy chlorine and bromine resistant microorganisms, such as Cryptosporidium Parvum, Giardia and E.Coli. Each tank also has approximately 1100 of epsom salt, so no bacteria can cultivate in this environment.

Floating is a completely natural process so you can float as frequently as you like. Some guests with chronic pain and injuries may float 3 days a week, and some may come once a month to help with stress. It’s all based on your needs and the results you desire. It’s much like a fitness routine, going once won’t have the same effect as going consistently.

No, and you will find that your skin feels smoother after your session – you don’t experience pruning as you would in a regular bath for the same period. Absorbing a large amount of magnesium, thanks to the Epsom salts in the water, is fantastic for your body!

We recommend that you check with your doctor first. Floating is popular with many pregnant women and is safe to enjoy with your doctor’s approval (up to 36 weeks). The zero gravity feel will help relieve pressure on the body for mothers-to-be.

No, even if you do fall asleep, you will be kept afloat thanks to the density of the water.