
Why Float

Benefits of Floatation Therapy

Read below to discover some of the many benefits of floatation therapy.

Decrease Anxiety & Stress

Float therapy creates a very unique environment where you are free from external stimuli, which has been proven to increase feelings of serenity and relaxation. It also aids in relieving stress and decreasing feelings of anxiety and tension. The effects can last long after your session is finished.

Improve Your Mood

Float Therapy can help boost your mood in two ways. The magnesium in the water of the float orb/room helps to regulate cortisol production (a stress response hormone). Magnesium also enhances your sleep quality, which will aid in feeling less stressed overall. Float Therapy also triggers the release of endorphins and dopamine in the brain, which gives you the “happy feeling”.

Improve Sleep Quality & Decrease Chronic Fatigue

Technology and our overactive minds of today often prevent a good night’s sleep. By reducing cortisol levels and allowing you to disconnect for an hour, Float Therapy can have a transformational effect on your sleep patterns.

Float Therapy is a powerful tool in reducing insomnia. The natural calming effect of floating in combination with soaking in magnesium will allow you to fall asleep faster.

Pain Management

High concentrations of Epsom salts in the water allow us to float weightlessly.

The spinal-cord and back are free from the pressure of gravity. The nervous and muscular-skeletal systems can reset as tension is relieved.

Relief from gravitational pressure gives our body a break, and boosts blood flow to parts of our body that may be injured, painful, or need to recover from intense exercise.

Float Therapy has proved to show relief of symptoms from pain disorders such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, tendinitis, bursitis and many more.

Float Therapy can be the perfect complement to physiotherapy, chiropractic, or massage therapy as it helps reduce inflammation in joints and muscles. The zero-gravity environment has helped many individuals in recovery and sports related injuries.

Boosts Creativity & Mindfulness

Floating provides an ideal setting for mindfulness and meditation. Our float rooms remove all physical and mental distractions, allowing you to deeply focus. Floating creates an environment that simply makes mindfulness easier.